All workers must have identification cards specifically for workers’ compensation coverage. The identification cards will specify the managed care organization (MCO) contracted by the employer and important telephone numbers. Spooner Medical Administrators will provide employers with a supply of MCO identification cards to distribute to their employees.
Studies have shown that the quicker a claim is filed, the faster the Injured Worker will return to work and the lower the claim costs will be. That is why it is so important to notify Spooner Medical Administrators, Inc. as soon as possible after a workplace injury occurs.
Occasionally we find that an injured worker has not returned to work as expected and we aren't notified about their relapse. You, the employer, can help us more effectively manage the claim by notifying Spooner MAI as soon as a situation like this comes to your attention.
In addition to case management, Spooner MAI can help injured workers return to work faster with the Transitional Work Program, the Remain at Work Program, or Vocational Rehabilitation.
Spooner MAI provides Employee Injury Packets that can be handed out to employees when they are injured.
Answers to common questions for employers, including: What is the difference between MCO, TPA, and BWC? What to do if an employee is injured? etc.